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We will remember yesterday, for a long time, on Lake Garda, since we enjoyed many hours of strong wind, from Limone to Desenzano. We went windsurfing at Crero, in Torri del Benaco.


Windsurfing, report: Crero, Lake Garda, 13/09/2024. A day to remember!


Who said that the Foehn doesn't blow over Lake Garda? If it is strong, and if you go and catch it in the right spots, it can offer really good conditions for windsurfing and other water sports.

After consulting the Arome model, on Saturday evening, I decided to head to a spot on the Verona shore. I chose to try the legendary Crero spot, in the municipality of Torri del Benaco, and, eventually, to move on Sunday morning, at dawn, to Assenza, further north, in case of negative signals.

It was in fact clear from the forecast model maps that the NNW orientation of the Foehn would have crushed the wind mainly on the eastern coast of the lake, while on the western one, at least near the shore, the wind would have been unstable. And so it was: in fact, they told me that at Pra de la Fam, until 10 in the morning, the wind struggled to enter near the beach, while further offshore it was already strong. And Arome gave a stronger wind in the central lake shore than in Malcesine (and the Malcesine windmeter, in fact, did not show significant intensity in the early morning).

At Crero, however, when I woke up, the wind was already quite strong at 7:00 in the morning, except for some momentary drops, near the beach. So, there was no need to explore other spots.

It was my first time at Crero, and I must say that I liked the spot. Reasonably comfortable logistics, and waves, for which the spot is known, quite high (as for a lake spot).

Shortly after I woke up, I was joined by two other top riders of the Waterwind Team: Scuffia and Alohale. In the meantime, the rest of the locals of the spot also arrived.

Looking at the water surface, I decided to rig the Goya Guru X Pro 4.2, with the boom fixed to the lower clew ring. And I prepared the Tabou 3S plus 96 with the K4 Stubby 11 as side fins, and MFC TF-FW 20 as central one.


Click here for the beautiful slide gallery of the morning  




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I finally got out of the water just before 11:00, very tired.

Yesterday, there were 10-15 windsurfers on the spot, several with more suitable equipment, and who sailed better, in the water. Some wing foils, including Alberto from Detour shop, who danced among the waves (see video and photos), enjoying the conditions to the fullest. Another thing I liked about the spot was the absolutely reasonable crowding.

Before leaving, I also stopped to chat pleasantly with Marco from Verona, another old acquaintance of Waterwind forum, with whom we talked about Wing, Surfing, and more.

I stayed on Garda until the early afternoon, due to personal commitments, and I was able to see that yesterday the wind blew for a really long time and with considerable intensity all the way down to the southern lake shore (in Desenzano, yesterday, there were still 50-60 km/h at 16:00). I know of some who spent 6 hours in the water, in three different spots. Anti-doping tests will start.....

In short, Garda, yesterday, prepared us well for the waves at sea spots.

Aloha. Fabio


Click here for the beautiful slide gallery of the morning (pics partially by Alex Cattaneo)


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Video of the session



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