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3 hours of Peler.... My return to Prà de la fam, on Lake Garda, was definitely a happy one, with a typically summery windsurfing session, that turned out very satisfying.


Windsurfing, report: 3 hours of Peler - Pra de la fam, Lake Garda


It's been a while since I have not ridden Prà. This year Lake Garda has not worked with its usual continuity, due to the great heat that has been happening since July, and the frequent dominant currents from the South....

But, thanks to the first late summer storms, the wind is probably changing....


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Pra 27 08 2024 01

Pra 27 08 2024 2


On Tuesday 27 August 2024, I arrived at the Pra car park just before 7:00, and I easily found a place. It was my first time since the parking regulations were changed (a barrier was placed for entry and exit, which forces you to pay). I must say that I don't mind the novelty. Finally, order has been restored, and when you arrive at the Pra you don't find the usual chaos and anarchy that have characterized the spot parking lot, in recent times. Of course, perhaps the hourly rate of parking could be slightly lower...

The first part of the morning began with the passage of some clouds that made it difficult to evaluate the expected intensity of the wind: Peler however was assured, because yesterday the wind trend was clear.

In short, I opted for my trusty Goya Guru X Pro 4.7 (22/23), with the boom end fixed on the lowest clew, combined with the Tabou 3S Plus LTD 96 2019, set as a single fin (as I usually do, when I use it on the lakes), with an MFC K-One 23. And I must say that these choices turned out to be the right ones. In particular, at some point I had doubts about switching the outhaul to the highest sail clew ring, but the intensity of the gusts, and the wind rising, in the second part of the morning, led me not to make any changes to the trim of the sail.

I entered the water around 8:00. The first half hour was very beautiful, in particular for the quality of the wind and that of the water surface. Wind around 20 knots, quite stable, except for some drops near the beach. And above all, a nice water surface (also due to the not excessive crowding of the spot), with regular waves of just under a meter, which Simone (Grezzi) exploited for a good series of forwards. I spent this first half hour chasing Simone and Marco (Maywald) around the spot, with the Insta360 switched on (a really nice action camera). Both also had fun doing some nice "skids" on the waves. The desire for the sea is strong, isn't it, guys?



Pra 27 08 2024 5


Just before nine o'clock, on the southern side of Baldo, a small storm broke out, which disturbed the wind a bit, but did not stop it. I remained mostly planing, offshore. But the spot gave us the best conditions, in my opinion, after 10:00, when the sky cleared up again, and the wind stabilized again. Alessandro and I enjoyed, until 11:00, an almost uncrowded spot in the water, having a lot of fun. I tried to maneuver with more determination (sometimes, early in the morning, I am a bit sleepy and dazed), and I closed beautiful power and duck jibes. I tried to put into practice an idea regarding the exit stance from the jibe, seen in some videos, and "stolen" from Simone: bring the torso very forward on the board (and a little rotated, if you go out in switch), in conjunction with the rotation of the sail, to balance the weights on the board, and keep it flat and fast. It works great. Going out like this, and with the clew forward is really fun....

In the last few rides, my body was asking for a break, but the conditions were too fun to get out of the water. I returned to the beach, only when, after 11:00, the Peler started to retreat towards the north.

And before starting to unrig and leave, to relax my muscles, I also had a nice swim in my swimsuit in front of the spot beach (nice warm water), ending the morning very well.

Maybe I'll go back to Garda this weekend, but I think that, apart from possible sessions with the Ora, I'll go and get some Peler in Malcesine.

Now the most beautiful season of the year is about to arrive, autumn, which, together with still mild temperatures, will also bring the first Atlantic low pressures, and a few waves to catch at sea... As a child I looked forward for summer to come; now, I can't wait for the leaves to start falling.....

Hang loose. Fabio

Click here for the complete slide gallery of the day


The amazing video of the session shot with the Insta360



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