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What a great Peler! Malcesine, on Lake Garda, really let us have so much fun, yesterday with strong wind, over 25 knots. Windsurfing session with the 4.2, full power.


Windsurfing, report: Malcesine, Lake Garda, 01/09/2024


This time my instinct (and knowledge of Garda) rewarded me. I had predicted in the Waterwind forum that the Peler would have been beautiful and so it was. Then, as far as the lakes is concerned, you also need a healthy dose of luck....

Having avoided the Saturday dud, I played the joker with my wife on Sunday, and I left the AbCamping in Arco just before 7:00, to tell the truth, with some doubts, given that the anemometer in Malcesine wasn't showing much wind. But as I drove south, along the eastern Gardesana, I understood that the conditions would have been good, and when I arrived at Retellino, I had definite confirmation of this.


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I arrived just before 7:30, slightly late, both because many people were already enjoying the beautiful conditions in the water, and because at that time it was not easy to find a parking spot in the area at the bus parking.

The happy encounter with Nuccywind (which I found in great shape) helped me immediately understand what to do.... I parked the car behind someone else's van, presumably a guy in the water, and started to rig. The foaming lake surface immediately led me to rig the smallest sail available (when you come to Garda for the Peler, never leave the 3.7 at home). I had the opportunity to try the Goya Guru X Pro 4.2, just bought, which I combined with the Goya 370 90% mast, recently bought from Simone Grezzi, thus deluding myself that I could do the same things he does, while instead.... The mast alone does not make the monk....

I prepared the Tabou 3S Plus 96 LTD set with MFC K-One 23m and entered the water at around 7.40. And Malcesine immediately gave me back the beautiful sensations and images that windsurfing in this spot gives.

I soon realized that the 4.2 was decidedly big on the gusts, and, systematically, beyond half the lake, offshore. I resisted for a bit; then, I returned to the shore, at least to fix the boom to the lower clew. And the Guru saved me, thanks to its progressive and soft thrust. Yesterday, I also had the Al360 Slim 140-190 boom, and I have to say that the softer Goya Superskinny would have been preferable. The best set yesterday, for me, would have been 3.7 and 80!

However, the situation was not unmanageable, and I started riding and having fun. I especially enjoyed jibing on the more regular waves near the ferry pier, and the kite beach downwind. The overpowering and the chaotic water surface forced me to do some serpentines when exiting the jibe to compensate for the unfavorable elements.





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Shortly after the start of the session, a Kitefoil overpassed me in full speed from downwind, sailing close to me, and even he had something to say because we were on a collision course. Reading a few rules wouldn't hurt him. Moreover, he could see me from behind, while I couldn't see him looking forward while riding, so logic also says that this is not a good maneuver.... Guys, be careful, because you can get hurt....

The spot proved to be quite crowded (Sunday, still warm, and good forecasts), and this beyond the danger of frequent crossings, made the water level quite messy for most of the spot. For me it was quite physical to tack in the chop, especially offshore, where the gusts were really bad.

Despite a demanding dinner at the beautiful Bikefarm in Arco (a really nice discovery), and two pints of beers during the day (definitely too much) that made the night lively, I still performed well in the water. Around me, the usual show of local freestylers, and slalom riders, led by Andrea Cucchi Point7 boss), who passed around me while I was doing a waterstart, really impressing me for the huge speed at which he rides....

After a first session of an hour, I returned to the shore, to switch to the lower clew, as previously sad, and then I did another three quarters of an hour in the water, until about 9:30, with the wind still strong. I had to go back to land to check the parking situation. And in fact the police patrol had arrived to make us move from the bus parking, even if they proved to be quite understanding.

Yesterday, you could stay in the water until after 10:30 in Malcesine. In the past, here, I sometimes stayed out in the water even after 11:00....

Having also to check out of the campsite and pick up my wife, I considered myself satisfied, and returned to Arco, to really close a beautiful weekend on Lake Garda (also a short session with the 5.8 at Ponale on Saturday, which reminded me of my beginnings in windsurfing in Torbole).

The lovely warm water of the lake suggests other nice Peler blasts as soon as the late summer storms and disturbances cool the temperatures in the Sarca valley. Be on the alert!

Ciao. Fabio

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Video of the session



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