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Engadine is a place that makes me feel happy. The bright light and the beauty of the views, and the width of this valley enchant me. On Saturday, I returned there for a day of windsurfing, in the fresh mountain climate. Lake Silvaplana gave a session that was fun, at times.


Windsurfing, report: Silvaplana, Engadin, 24 august 2024


I arrived in Silvaplana around 11:30, and I was lucky enough to immediately find free parking, near the spot. Not an easy goal to achieve. The Engadin Wind Event attracted a good amount of people, in addition to those already on holiday, especially in the campsite near the spot.

The forecast was good, and when I arrived a good wind was already blowing, well spreaded, at 17-18 knots.






In short, I tell you that, on Saturday, Silvaplana did not give me the best day. The wind certainly did not reach the intensity of the last time I was here. After my arrival, the wind had a decrease, probably due to the passage of some clouds at high altitude, which reduced the heating of the valley. However, around 13:00 the wind reached a good intensity again and I entered the water with the Ezzy Wave 5.8 2021, and the Tabou 3S 96 Plus 2019, set as a single fin, with MFC K-One 27.

In this first part of the session, to achieve planing it was necessary to exploit the best gusts. Around 14:00, the wind increased, but, unfortunately, the start of the races was called, and the race area occupied the best part of the lake, as far as the wind quality was concerned. In hindsight, maybe I should have gone out into Lake Silvaplana, but from the sailing center in Sils, in the upwind part of the lake; or, in Lake Sils, in front of Isola, or downwind at Plaun da Lej.

I stayed in the water until about 2:30 PM, when I went back to land to eat something, and have a coffee. By the way.... At the bar of the spot, they asked me "only" 4 CHF (about 4 €), for an espresso. I would have liked to ask them, if the cup was also included in the price.....





I got back in the water shortly after 3:00 PM, and the wind, although not steady, reached almost 20 knots on the gusts. A tiring session, due to the unstable wind, but still quite fun: here on Lake Silvaplana, due to the almost flat water surface, I can do some maneuvers very well, especially fast tacks, and try some tricks.

I got out of the water shortly after 4:00 PM, due to tiredness, and at that point the better wind came in.... It's not the first time that I notice that, in the late afternoon, the wind becomes well steady and intensifies, here in Silvaplana. Probably, it also depends on the direction in which it blows at this time.

I no longer had the strength and time to get back in the water, having unfortunately to return home in the evening.

It would have been nice to enjoy a beautiful sunset riding until 6 pm at least, and then go and relax at the campsite at Plaun Curtinac, as I usually do.

Instead, I took a walk and stayed to enjoy the wonderful sunlight, which by now was illuminating the mountains and the lake, sideways. And I started to admire some riders who were skillfully twirling, in a very fluid way, with a freestyle board with a foil fin underneath, and a very small sail (see also the video below): 360, jibes, backwinded riding.... This equipment intrigues me a lot (much more than the wind foil with big boards and big sails, or the wing foil). It could be my next evolution, abandoning the 5.8 sail, to manage the light wind days.... I'll about that.

Ciao. Fabio


Click here for the slide gallery of the day.


Below, the video shot on the spot



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