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When the African high pressure takes position over Italy, pushed by the Sirocco winds, Lake Silvaplana, in Engadine, can offer really fun sessions for windsurfing, and in general for water sports. This is what happened this past weekend.


Windsurfing, report: Silvaplana, 26-27 july 2024


I escaped from Monza in the early afternoon of Friday 26th ..... Up to Chiavenna the thermometer read 34 degrees. Then, going up to Maloja, the temperature progressively dropped until it was reduced to 23 degrees. Fantastic!

Already the lake Sils showed some points (a little to the North, or to the South of the Plaun da Lej) where the wind seemed interesting. One day, I will try to ride on this lake too. To be on the safe side, I continued straight to Silvaplana (camping spot).

I entered the water just before 5 pm, and I rigged the Goya Banzai X Pro 5.3, and the Tabou 3S Plus LTD 96, because the wind seemed really nice and strong (and it had been blowing intensely already from the early afternoon). It is the first time that I rig such a small sail on lake  Silvaplana. But, once in the water, I did not regret it. The lake gave me the best windsurfing session since I have been coming here.

5.3 really full, and many maneuvers, almost perfectly landed. In particular, a fast tack on port tack, with an early exit and sail almost lying on the opposite side, when I changed side. The regular water level of Silvaplana allows for great maneuvers, and makes you look more skilled than you really are. I could have stayed in the water for a long time, but having to go to the camping site, to set up my tent, I went out shortly after 6 pm, with the sun already set behind the mountains. I wore the wrong wetsuit, the 5/4; the 4/3 was enough. When I got out of the water, a Swiss guy noticed that I had ridden with waveriding gear, and yet I was fully planing.

The spot, in recent times, has become crowded with wingfoils, as well as windfoils and kitesurfs. Therefore, you have to be a little careful in the water.


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On Saturday 27th, Silvaplana granted the bis, with a beautiful sunny day, and again with a good wind, although not as nice as Friday's. I tried to do two sports in one day, and I went walking in the mountains in the morning. Then, I went into the water in the afternoon, tired from the walk, and with a decreasing wind. I would say that it is better to do only one spot per day.... The photos in the slide gallery refer to Saturday.

The Engadine confirms itself as a great place. To complete the magnificent weekend, it's enough to say that on Sunday I also did the wonderful via ferrata of Piz Trovat, in front of the magnificent peaks of the Bernina group, and its glaciers.

Once again, it was hard to go down to the plain below.... and abandon the 25 degrees....

Ciao. Fabio

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