At the conclusion of our beautiful three-day trip to the seaside, the Spiaggia d'Oro (Golden Beach) of Imperia, on November 5th 2019, gave us the classic icing on the cake: a beautiful windsurfing session, with Libeccio (SW), challenging conditions, but not exaggerated, ideal for ensuring a high rate of entertainment!
Read more: Imperia, Spiaggia d'Oro, 5/11/2019: a playground!
And so... we tried the East too! On the 23-24 October 2016, given the favorable wind predictions, we went to try Hyeres with wind from the East. Two days of wind at 20-30 knots, which allowed us to understand how the spot works under these conditions.
Finally, the wind is back at sea! On September 25, 2018, Bordighera (Liguria, Italy) gave us a morning with great conditions, and allowed us to enjoy a good session, full of wind, sun and waves, with a surprising end!
Read more: Bordighera (Liguria, Italy), 25/09/2018: what conditions!

I had never windsurfed yet at Yzerfontein, a spot that, I don't know why, I thought less attractive than the others. And instead, on January 17th 2020, this spot, North West of Cape Town, South Africa, gave us one of the best windsurfing days of our holiday, with waves of excellent quality.
For a few weeks now, the thermal gradient established between the mountains and the lake has been producing Peler blasts at the Pra de la Fam, Lake Garda. Even today, November 18th, a nice blow, a little disturbed by the foehn at high altitude.
I needed this trip. I needed to go back to the sea..... Friday 10/27/2023, in western Liguria a powerful Libeccio blew, which raised a nice big sea. After a few laps, I ended up in Diano Marina, where I went out, and witnessed an epic session by Matteo Iachino (Ita 140).
Read more: Diano and Imperia, 10/27/2023 - XXL (with Matteo Iachino)