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Lanzarote, January 2023

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13 Mar 2023 19:02 - 13 Mar 2023 19:07 #15639 par ita4012
Lanzarote, January 2023 a été créé par ita4012
Marco ha finalmente montato il video del suo ultimo viaggio a Lanzarote.
Le immagini sono legate alla sua sessione al Jameos del Agua.

Guardate come lavora con le gambe durante il waveriding, analizzando le riprese dall'alto!

Marco has finally edited the video of his last trip to Lanzarote.
The images are related to his session at Jameos del Agua.

Watch how he works with his legs during waveriding, analizying the shots from above!

Hang loose!

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Dernière édition: 13 Mar 2023 19:07 par ita4012.

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