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Subscribing and using this forum

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24 Oct 2019 17:24 #8211 par ita4012
Subscribing and using this forum a été créé par ita4012
Few clear rules for the use of this forum.
If you are already registered on the Waterwind site, with the same credentials you can also access this forum, creating new messages, or replying to those already present!
If you have not yet registered on the site, and want to register here in the forum (valid credentials then for both), to register, fill in the appropriate form; it is necessary to choose as a user name, a unique name, even a fictitious one, but a likely one, or with a complete meaning (eg. ita1234, Fabio75, etc.). For reasons related to the prevention of spamming, akalkukost, awaimeOwesy, Atskalaylap, and other such crap stuff are not accepted. If you do, your registration will not be approved by the forum administrators.
You are also requested to equip yourself with an avatar (profile picture). You will be more easily recognizable by other forum users, especially in the case of similar names or nicknames. If you don't want to use your own photo, you can also use a fancy avatar, as long as it's unique. We don't like anonymous profiles . For most discussion categories, creating new discussions and responding to messages already present are reserved to all registered users. For some categories of discussion, creating discussion and replying are reserved only to users registered with an account as Supporter .

Civilization in this forum is a must. So, no insults, at all!
Spamming is not allowed, and, in any case, off-topic discussions.
Finally, it is not allowed to open a discussion, and then extend it to infinity, changing the theme during the same. The discussion would be useful only for those who opened it, but it would be illegible, because confusing and not logic, for all the others.

Good discussion!

The Waterwind Staff

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