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Joseph Conrad.....

  • ita4012
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14 Avr 2018 17:41 #4422 par ita4012
Réponse de ita4012 sur le sujet Joseph Conrad.....
Questo Conrad è mitico..... Questa estate mi leggo qualche altro suo libro....

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  • andywaxer
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13 Avr 2018 23:03 #4413 par andywaxer
Réponse de andywaxer sur le sujet Joseph Conrad.....
"But you here—you all had something out of life: money, love—whatever one gets on shore—and, tell me, wasn’t that the best time, that time when we were young at sea; young and had nothing, on the sea that gives nothing, except hard knocks—and sometimes a chance to feel your strength—that only—what you all regret?”
Da "Youth", ovviamente del nostro Joseph preferito.

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  • ita4012
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02 Jan 2018 21:48 #4103 par ita4012
Joseph Conrad..... a été créé par ita4012
Forse questa frase è l'essenza del rapporto di molti di noi con il mare.....

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