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Cloudbreak, Fiji, 2023: Baptiste Cloarec wins the event

05 Jun 2023 11:32 - 05 Jun 2023 11:36 #16071 por ita4012
The young and talented french rider Baptiste Cloarec has won the Fiji Pro Event. Since the beginning of the competition, Baptiste has shown another level of surfing and has conquered with honour this victory!

Il giovane e talentuoso rider francese Baptiste Cloarec ha vinto il Fiji Pro Event. Dall'inizio della competizione, Baptiste ha mostrato un altro livello di surf e ha conquistato con onore questa vittoria!



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Última Edición: 05 Jun 2023 11:36 por ita4012.

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Tiempo de carga de la página: 0.544 segundos
Gracias a Foro Kunena