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I didn't think that Galicia was such a beautiful land, and with so many possibilities for sports such as windsurfing, surfing, trekking and MTB. And all these chances can be enjoyed in a frame of breathtaking views. In this article, we provide you with valuable information, in particular for windsurfing, with some hints also to other sports.


Windsurfing, and surfing, in Galicia, Spain


Galicia is located in the northwest corner of the Iberian Peninsula. Apparently, it is a land's end place, which someone could also imagine to be inhospitable. And instead, it is ready to welcome the open-minded visitors, and, most of all, the "ocean minded", like me, surprising them with real wonders, and with an atmosphere that is truly the right balance between wilderness and civilization.

Already reaching it, as I did, coming from France, and crossing Cantabria and Asturias, is a show for your eyes and soul : in Cantabria it can happen to witness the battles made by the morning mists of the Atlantic, which try to conquer the valleys that descend into the sea ; in Asturias, you are fascinated by the landscapes, reminiscent of alpine pastures, with an ocean view .....

And if you happen to arrive at the magnificent Playa Nemina, crossing the Galician countryside, at the last light of the day, love at first sight is inevitable ...

But, let's proceed in order, and let's start with the description of the windsurfing spots ...


Windsurf Portagallo Galizia 010

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Galicia Spain 006


Within a few kilometers, there are really many spots available: those exposed to the ocean swell, typically from the North West, excellent for waveriding, and suitable for more experienced windsurfers; and those, in sheltered bays, suitable for freestyle, freeriding, and beginners.

In this article, we will describe the following spots: Playa Rostro, Playa Nemina, Playa Traba, Playa Soesto (Laxe), Playa de La Lanzada, personally checked and / or tested, and we will describe some other spots, such as Playa Carnota, Playa San Xurxo, Playa Lagosteira, Playa Molinos

Central part omitted. The reading of the main part of this article is reserved to Waterwind Supporters. To become a Supporter, click here.


Finally, if you are leaving Galicia, towards Portugal, or if the forecast is good, go to Playa de La Lanzada, a famous spot in the Rias Baixas, and of which movie clips with exceptional quality waves are available on the web. The logistics are very good, with parking and easy access to this huge sandy beach (see map). The spot works best with swell from the North West, and wind from the South West, with the possibility of endless surfing. It also works with northerly winds, which can give, equally beautiful, starboard tack waveriding sessions. The waves are clean, and easily mast-high.

Finally, before closing this detailed article, we would like to clarify that Galicia offers many other spots to discover, in addition to those described here, which can offer wave or flat water conditions, in the many fantastic bays of its coast. As well as, certainly, it offers many other enchanting and evocative panoramas, beyond those we have discovered so far. And a few weeks' vacation is not enough to explore it thoroughly. You have to go back several times. ....which we will do as soon as possible.

Hang loose. Fabio Muriano


Click on the links below, for the sessions slidegalleries:

Viana do Castelo, 1 july 2022

San Xurxo, 3 july 2022

Playa Traba, 4 july 2022

Playa Traba, 6 july 2022

Click here, for the whole slidegallery of the surf session at Playa Nemina.

Click here, to enjoy the beatiful slidegallery with Galicia spots and landscapes.


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The video of Thomas Traversa in Galicia



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