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Making exciting every day, requires a lot of work, and resources. But the success that you are acknowledging to us, pushes us to move forward, and to improve our website and your experience....


If you are windsurfing and water sports addicted, support Waterwind


However, we need your support to keep the site alive, and, above all, to enrich it further, by developing new ideas. We therefore invite you to become our SUPPORTERS, with a contribution starting from a few euros.

On, you, already, find many exciting windsurfing report, about the sessions that we, or other riders, carried out. You will also find unique, and detailed reviews of the spots, as well as instructional articles on maneuvers, and other useful tips.

Keeping alive has some costs (hosting, software and tools purchasing), and requires many hours of work.

However, we will give our Standard Supporters Subscribers added value by allowing full access to all the contents (our complete reports, or the preview), to some selected contents (articles by expert riders, technical or theoretical articles, detailed wind forecast, or articles relating to particular treks), and by organizing for them some selected or discounted initiatives (brief lessons). Furthermore, our Premium Supporters will be entitled to receive, at no further cost, high resolution photos taken by us during windsurfing sessions, carried out together on the same spot (low resolution photos are available to everyone).

REGISTERED users with a free account will have full access to our forum, as well as the ability to comment on articles. 

We ask you, therefore, to become a Subscriber, with one of the following small contributions:

- Supporter Standard Subscription: 10 euros for 12 months

- Supporter Standard Trial Subscription: 5 euros for 30 days;

- Supporter Premium Subscription: 20 euros for 12 months.


To become our Subscriber, register on, if you have not yet an account (IF YOU ARE ALREADY REGISTERED, AFTER LOGGING IN, ENTER INTO THE REGISTRATION PAGE, TO MODIFY YOUR ACCOUNT). You will have the chance to choose the type of contribution which to support us with.

The payment may be made, preferably, by means of PayPal (if you don't have a PayPal account, however, click the PayPal button, and you will have the option of paying by credit card), or, also, by bank transfer (option under the Paypal one). Anyway, if you have problems with these payment methods, write us.

Your support will give us the strength to implement new ideas. We remind you, finally, that you can always help us to let our website to be well known, by purchasing one of our Gadgets.

Let's keep on windsurfing together!

Hang Loose. staff


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